While Nancy was in Finland I played with glass and here are a few of the pieces I made. I have to take more pictures later.
Horizontal stripes that work for me - as we all know not everyone can wear horizontal stripes but these work for me. I love to play with blue, green and purple dicrohic glass. The first piece is made from e differnt blues and a green.

These earrings are blue with a touch of purple - they were hard to get a good picture of.

I like this piece it is shades of green, the larger piece has a bit of blue tone to it and the little piece on the upper left is green with a bit blue diagnolly through it. As the light changes through the day the colors look so different.
I've been playing around with ways to photograph my pieces - have not yet decided what I like the best. The little dish was from a milk glass set that belonged to my mother. I did these earrings and pendant in soft summer colors. There are a two mor pendants that are similar in color but not yet photographed.

I made this shawl pin then decided it need a coordinating "stick" so I got out my torch and collection of glass rods. I did find that those silver picks transmit heat a lot faster than the mandrels I use for bead work!